
Getting the Compensation You Deserve Following a Maryland Wrongful Death Accident

Auto accidents, especially those involving trucks, often have severe consequences such as significant physical injury or even death. When truck drivers are also careless while operating their vehicles, it can mean even greater consequences for those they share the road with.

According to a recent news report, the family of a woman killed in a truck crash was awarded $730 million following a successful wrongful death lawsuit. The deceased was killed in a car crash when a truck hauling a propeller for a U.S. Navy submarine collided with her vehicle. The jury awarded the family $480 million, along with another $250 million in punitive damages. The $730 million total verdict made this wrongful death suit the largest single fatality case in the history of the United States. According to an attorney on the case, the jury felt especially compelled to award such a significant amount in compensation because of the level of severity of the conduct and negligence involved in the case.

In Maryland, similar wrongful death lawsuits are available to potential plaintiffs who are bringing claims on behalf of an individual who died as a result of another party’s accidental or intentional actions. Similar to regular personal injury claims, wrongful death lawsuits may be brought based on another party’s negligence or intentional conduct.

Wrongful death lawsuits can be filed by the deceased’s spouse, parents, or children in Maryland. If none of these groups are available or survive the deceased, any individual related to the deceased by blood or marriage or who was significantly dependent on the deceased may file a wrongful death claim.

When filing a wrongful death claim, however, time is of the essence. In Maryland, there is a statute of limitations on wrongful death lawsuits of three years from the date of the person’s death. Any lawsuits filed after this time period are unlikely to be heard by the court unless an applicable exception applies.

In Maryland, a successful wrongful death case typically results in financial compensation. Compensation for lost financial contributions from the deceased, emotional pain and suffering, loss of companionship, loss of marital or parental care, and loss of counsel or guidance are available to potential plaintiffs.

Does Maryland Have a Cap on Personal Injury Damages?

Yes and no. Maryland, like other states, has maximum limits on the amount of non-economic damages available to potential plaintiffs. Non-economic damages constitute damages that cannot be quantified in dollars, such as compensation for mental anguish. As of 2021, Maryland’s cap on non-economic damages in wrongful death claims with a single beneficiary is $845,000. However, Maryland does not limit the amount of economic damages an accident victim can receive. These include damages for medical expenses, lost wages, decrease in earning capacity and more.

Do You Need a Maryland Truck Accident Lawyer?

If someone you love was recently killed in a Maryland truck accident or wrongful death incident, contact the attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen for assistance today. Our lawyers have recovered more than $65 million on behalf of our clients and will provide you with the assurance and experience you need to navigate your legal claim with ease. To schedule a free initial consultation today, contact us at 800-654-1949. Calling is free, and we will not bill you for our services unless we can recover compensation on your behalf.

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