
Major Truck Accident on Snowy Road Sends 29 to the Hospital

Earlier this week, an accident involving two semi-trucks, two buses, and several passenger cars sent 29 people to the hospital, several with serious injuries. According to a local news report, the collision occurred in the evening hours during a time when roads were slick due to the recent snowfall.

Given the magnitude of the accident, authorities have yet to determine exactly what happened in the moments leading up to the accident. Witnesses told reporters that the two semi-trucks involved in the accident were traveling at a high rate of speed, which resulted in the trucks being unable to stop in time to avoid the collision. Once the trucks crashed into the buses, other motorists nearby got involved in a chain-reaction accident, similar to many Maryland bus accidents that we have seen.

One of the buses was pushed off to the side of the road, where it teetered on the edge of an embankment. Those on board were told not to move until it was safe to do so. Accident reconstructionists surveyed the scene and its aftermath, and the accident is still under official investigation.

Each of the two buses had roughly 50 people on board, several of whom were trapped on the bus until emergency responders could free them. A total of 136 people were removed from the scene of the accident and taken to warming centers. Thankfully, no one was fatally injured, but several serious injuries were reported.

Maryland Bus and Truck Accidents

Bus and truck drivers, like all other motorists, have a duty to those with whom they share the road to operate their vehicles in a safe and responsible manner. At its most basic level, this duty requires bus and truck drivers to follow all posted road signs and traffic rules. Additionally, the duty requires drivers to use common sense when driving in difficult weather conditions. Thus, a driver can be held liable for causing an accident while traveling under the posted speed limit if a reasonable driver would have slowed down due to the adverse weather conditions.

Establishing liability in Maryland bus and truck accident cases can be tricky, especially when liability is based not on a violation of a commonly known traffic law but on a driver’s failure to use common sense. In these situations, a Maryland bus accident attorney should be involved immediately to assist victims in the preparation of their case.

Have You Been Injured in a Maryland Bus Accident?

If you or a loved one has recently been injured in a Maryland bus accident, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. The dedicated Maryland bus accident attorneys at the law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers have decades of experience handling all types of truck and bus accidents, and they know what it takes to be successful on their clients’ behalf. To learn more, and to schedule your free consultation with an attorney to discuss your injuries and your options, call 410-654-3600 today. Calling is free, and since we work on a contingent-fee basis, we will not get paid unless we are able to help you recover for your injuries.

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