
Maryland Motorcyclist Sent to Baltimore Shock Trauma Center After Being Run Over in Tractor-Trailer Crash

A 26-year-old Maryland motorcyclist is reportedly in critical condition at Baltimore Shock Trauma center after being run over by a tractor-trailer. Jeff Vilkas, a television production assistant, was riding a motorcycle going westbound on Halfway Boulevard near Stotler Rd. in Hagerstown when the accident happened.

Vilkas, who has two children, was initially transported to Washington County Hospital before being flown to Shock Trauma. The tractor-trailer driver has been charged with several citations, in addition to negligent driving.

2006 Maryland Truck Crash Statistics:

1,978 fatal crashes
907 injury crashes

Common Causes of Truck Accidents:

• Driver fatigue. Despite the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s mandate that truck drivers operate their trucks for a set amount of hours a time, not all drivers abide by this ruling
• Drunk driving
• Truck Driver Mistakes and Negligence, including speeding, failure to properly maintain the truck, and carelessness

Many truck companies will send people to the accident scene right away to act to limit liability. They may even persuade an injury victim to sign documents that could affect his or her ability to file an injury lawsuit later on.

It is important that you work with a Maryland truck crash law firm that knows how to deal with the complex issues that arise with tractor-trailer accident claims and lawsuits, and our truck collision lawyers will protect your right to recovery.

NBC25 Production Assistant Hit And Run Over While Riding Motorcycle; Sent To Shock Truama,, June 26, 2008

Crash Statistics

Related Web Resources:

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Truck Safety Coalition

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