
Maryland Trucking Accident Lawyer Blog


What to Do After a Maryland Public Transportation Bus Accident

Although public transportation is generally safe, accidents do occur. They can occur on buses, trains, and other forms of transportation. The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) is the 13th largest public rapid transit system in the country, with buses, trains, and metro service. In the event of a Maryland public transportation…


What is the Government’s Liability for Maryland Crashes Occurring at Intersections Known to Be Dangerous?

Generally, after someone is injured in a Maryland truck accident, they will first look to hold the other drivers involved in the accident responsible. However, in accidents involving a single vehicle or even in crashes involving multiple vehicles, state or local governments may also have some liability based on their…


Maryland Residents Injured While Riding Buses, Trucks, or Trains May Be Entitled to a Remedy

Public transportation is becoming more and more popular for Maryland residents. Buses and trains offer many benefits—they are cost-efficient, environmentally friendly, and lessen the stress some may feel navigating Maryland highways. These forms of transportation are typically safe for passengers, but like any means of transportation, there are risks involved,…


Proving Liability Following a Maryland Mail Truck Accident

Maryland truck accidents involving mail carriers and mail trucks can raise many unique challenges, and injury victims must understand how the law may impact their personal injury lawsuit. These accidents are inherently different from those involving private delivery carriers, such as Fed-Ex, UPS, and Amazon. The difference lies in the…


Recovering in the Aftermath of a Preventable and Fatal Maryland Truck Accident

There is nothing more tragic than losing a loved one in a Maryland truck accident, especially when the accident was completely preventable. While many people are able to drive around the state each day without getting injured, every so often someone will make a careless mistake, leading to a tragic,…


Establishing Legal Liability After a Maryland Truck Accident

Earlier this month, a truck accident shut down a major road, sending several motorists to the hospital with injuries, highlighting the dangers that Maryland truck accidents pose to motorists. While it’s true that any vehicle can cause an accident—from small bicycles to large semi-trucks—accidents involving trucks tend to be some…


Four Children Killed in a Tragic Truck Accident, a Sobering Reminder for Maryland Drivers to Not Drive Under the Influence

Recently, an incredibly tragic truck accident killed four children and injured their father, when an intoxicated truck driver struck them at a high speed. The incident—which could have been prevented had the truck driver not decided to drive under the influence of drugs and illegal substances—is a sobering reminder of…


Maryland Bus Drivers Owe a Duty to Passengers and Fellow Motorists

Public transit is becoming increasingly popular in Maryland and across the United States. Public transportation options such as buses, trains, and subways allow people to travel relatively quickly and inexpensively, and is better for the environment than driving an individual car. However, just like any form of transportation, accidents can…


When Immunity May Be an Issue in a Maryland Ambulance Accident

When a truck driver causes an accident after making a careless or reckless driving error—like running a red light or driving the wrong way on a one-way street—state law allows the injured parties to file a Maryland truck accident lawsuit to recover for damages incurred as a result. However, there…

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