
Maryland Trucking Accident Lawyer Blog


The Doctrines of Vicarious Liability, Negligent Entrustment, and Respondeat Superior

One of the most critical decisions that must be made early on in a Maryland personal injury case is which parties to name as defendants and which claims to pursue. This is particularly important in Maryland truck accidents because truck drivers are frequently working at the time of the accident.…


What Is an Insurance Guaranty and How It Can Help Maryland Accident Victims Recover for Their Injuries?

In Maryland, car insurance is mandatory. All motorists must obtain must obtain at least personal injury protection for $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident. Also, motorists must purchase at least $15,000 in property damage insurance. Typically, when a motorist is involved in an accident with another motorist, the injured…


Wrongful Death Claims Following Fatal Maryland Truck Accidents

Any time a truck driver’s negligence results in a Maryland truck accident, the responsible parties may be liable to the victims of the accident for their injuries. In the event that other motorists involved in the accident are killed, the surviving family members may consider filing a Maryland wrongful death…


Court Interprets Scope of Settlement Agreement in Recent Delivery Driver Accident

Recently, a state appellate court issued a written opinion in a personal injury case discussing an interesting issue that will occasionally come up in Maryland truck accident cases. Specifically, the case dealt with a settlement agreement that was executed between the plaintiff and several potentially liable parties, whereby the plaintiff…


Court Precludes Plaintiff’s Experts’ Testimony in Product Liability Case Following Underride Truck Accident

Recently, a federal appellate court issued a written opinion in a personal injury case involving an evidentiary ruling that precluded the plaintiff’s proposed expert witnesses from testifying. The case is relevant in Maryland truck accident cases because it illustrates how courts determine whether an expert’s testimony will be admissible and,…


The Dangers of Improperly Maintained Tires on Maryland Semi-Trucks

Any motorist who has spent a significant amount of time driving along Maryland’s highways has likely seen the remnants of semi-truck tires along the edge of the road. These piles of shredded rubber should be a reminder to Maryland truck drivers of the importance of properly maintaining the tires on…


Are Out-of-Court Statements Allowed in Maryland Truck Accident Cases?

In many Maryland truck accidents, witnesses to the accident or those who were involved in the accident make statements to one another in the immediate aftermath of the accident. Often, these statements are made without forethought, and may be instinctive reactions to what had just happened. However, these statements may…

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