Recently there has been some more discussion about the so-called “sweatshop” workplace conditions that over-the-road truckers must endure as part of their job hauling goods and materials across the nation. Long hours and tight deadlines have been blamed for numerous accidents here in Maryland as well as other states. As…
Maryland Trucking Accident Lawyer Blog
Tractor-trailer Crashes into Passenger Cars, Causing Multi-vehicle Accident on I-68 in Allegany County
Most people realize that traffic accidents involving 18-wheel big rigs can cause massive traffic delays due to the shear size of these motor vehicles. But for the same reason that traffic can become inexorably snarled during rush hour, these over-the-road commercial trucks can cause extremely severe property damage and bodily…
Baltimore Auto Injury News: Maryland Driver Dies in Accident after Tow Truck Backs into Traffic
As Baltimore personal injury attorneys and auto accident lawyers, we cannot stress enough the multidute of dangers faced by Maryland drivers on virtually a daily basis. Even in the most seemingly innocuous traffic situations a fatal accident can occur without warning. Injury accidents and fatal car and truck crashes happen…
Maryland Trucking Accident News: Experts Say Maximum Driving Hours Still Killing Too Many People
The death last August of a Maryland university professor on an Ohio expressway has raised the question of commercial truck drivers’ ability to function well under the currently legal federally regulated hours of service. It was the untimely death of Stevenson University professor Susan Slattery and numerous other traffic accidents…
Maryland Driver Dies in Baltimore County Traffic Accident; Delivery Truck Ran Red Light, Hit Car
When a commercial truck, such as a box truck, tanker or semi tractor-trailer crashes into or hits a much smaller passenger car the result can be very serious. As Maryland personal injury lawyers and trucking accident attorneys, we know how a moment of thoughtlessness or inattentiveness can lead to a…
Baltimore Traffic Injury Update: Maryland Residents Should Understand Injury Risk when Riding in Commercial Passenger Vans
For most Maryland drivers, being safe on the road can means watching out for the other guy and making sure your car, truck or motorcycle is mechanically sound and well maintained. As a Baltimore auto accident lawyer and personal injury attorney, I understand the reasons why we all should give…
Maryland Trucking Accident News: Trucker Dies, Passenger Car Driver Injured in Early Morning Beltway Crash
Commercial and delivery truck accidents, like many traffic crashes on Maryland roadways, can range in severity from mild to tragically fatal. Unlike automobile and motorcycle wrecks, a trucking accident can maim or kill many people due to the size and mass of these larger motor vehicles. As a Baltimore auto…
Baltimore Trucking Injury News: Police Identify Faulty Brakes as Cause of Maryland Tour Bus Crash
Defective safety equipment on a commercial vehicle can easily lead to a serious accident down the road. Where trucks are concerned, any traffic accident can result in a serious injuries and even fatalities. Here in Maryland, heavy vehicle wrecks can and do occur with alarming frequency. As a Baltimore trucking…
Maryland Trucking Accident News: Pedestrian Severly Injured by Semi on U.S. 301 in Charles County
Traffic accidents involving pedestrians are still one of the many causes of wrongful death in Maryland and across the nation. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which recently released its 2009 traffic safety findings, more than 33,000 people were killed in automobile-related collisions across the nation last…
Maryland Truck Accident News: Passenger Dies after Minivan is Hit by Semi Tractor-trailer on Rte. 13
Wherever you live, truck, car and motorcycle accidents are probably a common occurrence. Because we live in a mobile society, automobile collisions are sadly a fact of life, and while people might feel safer living out in the countryside, it’s not necessarily urban traffic accidents that result in fatalities, but…