
Maryland Trucking Accident Lawyer Blog


All Maryland Drivers Must Maintain Control of Their Vehicles, Even When Driving on Snow and Ice

Due to this weekend’s snow storm in Maryland, our Maryland truck accident attorneys have spoken to many potential clients regarding accidents caused when the driver of a motor vehicle, or in one case, the driver of a tractor trailer, hit a patch of ice, or compacted snow, lost control of…


Deaths from Automobile Accidents Fell Sharply in 2008

The truck accident attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers are pleased to report that the number of auto fatalities has fallen over the past few years. Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported that deaths from traffic accidents fell in 2008 and have steadily fallen over the past three…


Maryland and DC Area Drivers at Risk For Serious Injury From Underride Accidents

In the early morning hours of June 29, a car carrying three adults and two children traveled down U.S. Highway 90 in Mississippi heading towards New Orleans. At approximately 2:25 a.m., the car crashed into the rear of a tractor trailer that slowed to spray mosquito fogger. The car underrode…


Federal Law Protects Whistleblowers in the Trucking Industry From Losing Their Jobs After Turning in Negligent Motor Carriers

There are instances where an employee has witnessed conduct or policies of their employers that put other people in danger. Many times, these people do not report these violations for fear of losing their jobs. However, federal law protects the employees of commercial motor carriers who report their employers’ negligent…


In Maryland, Texting While Driving May Soon Be a Thing of the Past

Maryland legislators are currently considering a bill that would make exchanging text messages while driving in the state, illegal. In the age of I-Phones and Blackberries, text messaging is increasingly common and deceptively easy, especially for younger people. However, Maryland truck accident attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers…


Detailed Truck Inspections May Prevent Maryland Truck Accidents

Commercial trucks have a large number of moving parts and components that, when working properly, help truck drivers safely deliver goods across the country. Maryland truck accident attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers have litigated cases where one or more of these components have failed and caused an…


Maryland Legislators Debate Whether to Increase the Penalties for Negligent Drivers

As we have discussed in earlier posts, a myriad of state and federal regulations govern the duty of care owed by truck drivers in Maryland. If a bill currently before the Maryland legislators becomes law, a negligent truck driver in Maryland may be liable both criminally and civilly a death…


Marylanders Injured in Truck Accidents Should Know The Efforts Made By Truck Companies to Avoid Responsibility

I recently read an article that provided truck owners with ways to limit their responsibility for injuries caused by negligent truck drivers. The article suggested that truck owners aggressively utilize what they referred to as “accident response teams.” Maryland truck accident attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers disagree…

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