
Maryland Trucking Accident Lawyer Blog


Maryland Big Rig Driver Jackknifes Off of Route 301 in Upper Marlboro

Early last week, on a rainy Wednesday morning, police and emergency personnel responded to a big rig accident on US-301 near Croom Road in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. A tractor trailer carrying an empty fuel oil tank, lost control, jack knifed, and careened off the road, seriously injuring the driver. As…


Maryland Truck Accidents: How the Truth is Uncovered

In order to prevail in a lawsuit concerning a Maryland eighteen wheeler accident, an attorney must employ certain special investigatory tactics. Truckers typically create a paper trial that, if followed correctly, may uncover the cause of an accident. A Maryland truck accident attorney’s investigation should pay careful attention to two…


Maryland Truck Driver on Baltimore’s Key Bridge Fails to Follow High Wind Warnings

On New Years Eve, high winds buffeted the Baltimore region and put drivers on area highways at increased risk for truck accidents. The Baltimore Sun reported that, during the period of high winds, a tractor trailer overturned on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, closing all travel lanes. According to Maryland…


Interstate 95: Truck Drivers and Driver Fatigue That Can Be Fatal

With Christmas and New Year’s just past, I spent a lot of time driving up and down Interstate 95, mostly along stretches of the highway that pass through the central and northern parts of Maryland, from Baltimore City up through and beyond Harford County. Not surprisingly, I encountered hundreds of…


Government Program Puts Marylanders at Increased Risk of Injury from Truck Accidents

Currently, the Federal Government limits the areas in which trucking companies located abroad may travel within the United States. However, the U.S. Department of Transportation has recently begun a trial program allowing tractor trailers coming from outside the United States to travel without restrictions within the United States, including, of…


Drivers of Eighteen-Wheelers in Maryland Must Pay Extra Attention While Driving in Inclement Weather

Under perfect road conditions, it takes an attentive and well trained truck driver 96 yards to stop an unloaded eighteen wheeler traveling at 55 miles per hour. Traveling at typical highway speed, 65 miles per hour, the same truck will take 129 yards to come to a stop. Unfortunately, conditions…


Large Trucks in Maryland Must Carry a Minimum Amount of Liability Insurance

In an EARLIER POST, we told our readers that we would briefly discuss some of the major laws that impact a victim’s suit against negligent truck drivers. Today, we highlight the minimum insurance coverage truck drivers must maintain to protect victims of truck accidents in Maryland. The Code of Federal…

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