
Maryland Trucking Accident Lawyer Blog


Liability after a Maryland Bus, Truck, or Tractor Accident

Accidents tend to bring out the rawest emotions of anyone involved, especially when the crash involves large vehicles or young children. These types of Maryland auto accidents cause the most devastating consequences. Relative to other modes of transportation, school buses tend to be safe; however, it is not without their…


The Basics of Maryland Personal Injury Claims Related to Truck and Bus Accidents

When unexpected accidents occur as a result of another party’s negligence or recklessness and result in injury, you may feel overwhelmed or unsure of where to start. Understanding the basics of how to move forward on a personal injury claim can prepare you for any situation that results in an…


Getting the Compensation You Deserve Following a Maryland Wrongful Death Accident

Auto accidents, especially those involving trucks, often have severe consequences such as significant physical injury or even death. When truck drivers are also careless while operating their vehicles, it can mean even greater consequences for those they share the road with. According to a recent news report, the family of…


Understanding Insurance Claims Following a Maryland Truck Accident

Auto accidents involving trucks can often be devastating because trucks are typically larger and outweigh most other vehicles on the road. Because of their size and the long hours truck drivers usually clock when driving long distances, negligent or reckless behavior by truck drivers can often have significant consequences for…


Understanding the Dangers of Maryland Truck Accidents

Maryland auto accidents can often vary in severity and type—and there are certainly some accidents that are more dangerous than others. Accidents involving trucks, for example, can often be more dangerous than accidents involving two passenger vehicles, depending on how the accident took place. Understanding the additional risks trucks pose…


Maryland Commercial Truck Accidents Continue to Be a Major Threat to Motorists

Sometimes, no matter how diligent we are on the road, things beyond our control may take place and result in devastating consequences. Despite being a careful, proactive, and alert driver, it is often impossible to control the actions of others. Factors outside of our control that may cause an accident…


What to Do After a Maryland Hit-and-Run Truck Accident

Maryland drivers are required to call 911 whenever a driver is involved in a Maryland truck accident or any type of automobile accident. Under Maryland’s Transportation Code, a driver who is involved in an accident that results in another person being injured must immediately pull over as close as possible…


Filing a Maryland Lawsuit After the Death of a Family Member in a Maryland Truck Accident

The death of a family member after a Maryland truck accident is a terrible tragedy and the aftermath can be overwhelming. Nothing can replace a family member, but Maryland law allows certain family members to see financial compensation if any person or entity was at fault. A Maryland wrongful death…

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