
Recent Truck Accident Serves as a Reminder of the Risks Maryland Truck Accidents Pose

Recently, three family members were killed in a truck accident while on vacation. This accident serves as a sobering reminder of how quickly Maryland truck accidents can change someone’s life in an instant. According to a local news report covering the tragic incident, the family of eight—two parents, two grandparents, and three children—were driving in a rental van on a Florida highway one day when traffic started to slow down. Then, for reasons still unknown to authorities, a truck suddenly rear-ended their vehicle, causing it to roll over and resulting in serious injuries. The truck also hit two other vehicles, but no one in either of those vehicles was seriously injured.

The three victims in the family van were a 41-year-old woman, her 5-year-old daughter, and her 76-year-old mother. The father, grandfather, and one of the other children were also injured and had to be hospitalized, with the 11-year-old child still in critical condition the next day. Authorities are still unsure why the truck did not stop but were able to determine through an investigation that the truck driver was at fault. The crash remains under investigation, and so it is not yet clear whether or not criminal charges will be filed. However, regardless of whether or not there are criminal charges, the surviving victims may be able to bring a claim on their behalf and on behalf of their deceased family members to recover some monetary compensation in the wake of this tragic accident.

If the plaintiffs are able to prove that the truck driver owed a duty of care to their loved ones, and that their loved one’s death was caused by the defendant’s breach of that duty, they may be able to recover financial compensation for their losses. Depending on the specific facts of the case, this may include amounts for funeral and burial costs, past and future medical bills, psychiatric care needed to emotionally recover, lost wages, and general pain and suffering endured. While this monetary compensation will not undo the damage that has been done or bring back the loved ones, it may help the family by allowing them to not worry about finances in the aftermath of such a devastating tragedy.

Contact an Experienced Maryland Truck Accident Lawyer

Maryland truck accidents are unfortunately far too common across the state. These accidents often have a significant financial, physical, and psychological toll on victims and their families. The attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen, Personal Injury Lawyers, have dedicated their careers to representing Maryland accident victims in civil negligence suits, helping them recover what they deserve in the aftermath of the accident. With decades of experience and over $55 million recovered on behalf of our injured clients, you can trust that our dedicated attorneys will handle your case with care, allowing you to focus on your recovery and spending time with your family. To learn more, and to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our compassionate attorneys, call us today at 800-654-1949, or fill out our online form.

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