
What to Do Following a Maryland Truck Accident

Although various types of car accidents can result in significant injury and property damage, collisions involving trucks are often among the most devastating. Because large trucks like 18 wheelers and other large commercial vehicles often dominate the road in size and weight, collisions involving a truck can significantly increase the likelihood of serious injuries, death, and property damage. Following a major truck accident, it is crucial that you remain calm and take the proper steps to recover from the collision.

According to a recent news report, six children were injured and a teenage boy died following a major tractor-trailer accident. Local officials reported that a tractor-trailer crashed into a car, which resulted in serious and minor injuries as well as multiple individuals transferred to local hospitals for treatment. The teenager was in the car with two other adults and several children when it was hit by the truck, and the teen was pronounced dead at the hospital. The truck driver also suffered minor injuries following the accident. The collision remains under investigation by local authorities.

Following a major truck accident, the first thing collision victims should do is ensure that if anyone needs medical attention, an ambulance and local authorities are called. Any subsequent hospital visits, scans, physical therapy, or medical care should be extensively documented so that you have a chance to be compensated for it.

Next, investigating the accident is crucial to building a strong case and understanding how the collision took place. After the incident, contact local authorities so that a paper trail and report is established, but don’t be afraid to collect your own evidence as well. Taking photographs and videos of the scene and vehicles, reviewing the police report from the accident, seeking out and discussing the accident with witnesses, and reviewing the truck’s vehicle maintenance records are all important steps in building a case.

Although some victims of truck accidents may assume that they do not need an attorney to assist them following an accident, having an experienced lawyer represent you during discussions with insurance companies is crucial.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me in My Maryland Truck Accident Lawsuit?

An experienced truck accident lawyer will understand the trucking industry, its regulations, and the nature of settlement offers, they can help you obtain the compensation you deserve following an accident. By hiring a lawyer, you will avoid unfair settlement offers or insurance companies simply hoping to make a profit from your accident. If negotiations sour, your lawyer will also have all of the necessary facts surrounding your accident so that you may proceed with filing a personal injury lawsuit if necessary. Because personal injury lawsuits typically have a relatively short statute of limitations, hiring a lawyer from the get go can save you time and get your claim on the ground running without delay.

Do You Need a Maryland Truck Accident Lawyer?

If you or someone you know was recently injured or killed following a Maryland truck accident, contact the attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen today for assistance. Our lawyers will fight to get you the compensation you deserve and provide you with the expertise, support, and advocacy you need to proceed with your legal claim. To schedule a free initial consultation today, contact us at 800-654-1949.

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