A recent news article discussed a local fatal fire truck crash. According to the news article about a recent fire truck crash, the fatal accident occurred in December 2021 and new details have recently emerged about the conditions that fueled the incident. The 23-ton fire truck left a devastating path of destruction behind it. The fire truck was speeding and ran a red light when it crashed into a car, continuing on before knocking a pedestrian into a building, killing her. The building collapsed shortly after.
The building collapse trapped a car, killing both the driver and the passenger. A 323-page report on the incident outlined multiple contributing factors to the crash. (1) The fire department is suffering from acute staffing shortages, (2) there is a lack of training for drivers, and (3) there were communication failures in the lead-up to the crash. The report mentioned that at the time, it was not against department policy to run red lights or go above the speed limit. Fire department policy has been updated to require fire trucks to stop at red lights.
What Makes Truck Accidents so Danegrous?