The death of a family member after a Maryland truck accident is a terrible tragedy and the aftermath can be overwhelming. Nothing can replace a family member, but Maryland law allows certain family members to see financial compensation if any person or entity was at fault. A Maryland wrongful death claim may be filed by a spouse, a parent, or a child of the accident victim. In a case where the victim has no living spouse, parents, or children, another person may file a wrongful death claim if they were substantially dependent upon the victim and are related by blood or marriage. This claim allows qualifying family members to recover financial compensation for the losses that they suffered and to hold wrongful people and entities responsible for the victim’s death. Only one Maryland wrongful death claim may be filed based on a victim’s death.
What Are Wrongful Death Damages in Maryland?
Qualifying family members can recover compensation for expenses including financial losses due to the victim’s death, as well as for the emotional toll, including mental anguish and the loss of companionship. Generally, a Maryland wrongful death claim in Maryland must be filed within three years of the victim’s death. A wrongful death case also holds negligent drivers accountable for their actions, which can make the roads a safer place by discouraging dangerous driving behavior.
Bus Driver Drove Wildly to Quiet Teens Before Fatal Crash
According to one news source, a bus driver’s dangerous driving led to a fatal bus rash. The bus driver was apparently trying to keep teen passengers quiet by driving wildly, according to a passenger. The bus was transporting a group of teenagers from a youth group back from a field trip. According to a counselor, the driver was angry that the kids were making a lot of noise and was driving erratically to try to get them to be quiet.